Friday, July 19, 2013

Gina Greisen from Nevada Voters for Animals discrimanatory statement...

July 16, 2013 - After the commissioners meeting Gina Greisen President of Nevada Voters for animals caught up with Alejandro Galindo Jimenez Nevada President of the Mexican Federation of Charreria. While sharing point of views one of Gina's statements left us with our mouth open as it was very much discriminatory.
"regular rodeo is awful too but who in the hell is going to take on NFR" - Gina Greisen
So in other words her goal is to take down the Hispanic community (minority) ONLY!! How convenient!

This second video is proof of what animal activist Gina Greisen is all about.
"But try to take on NFR I mean that brings huge amounts of money to Southern Nevada."- Gina Greisen
Charreria may not bring much revenue to Las Vegas YET like NFR but does that mean we should be treated differently?  Apparently Gina believes so.  As she has stated numerous times before she is "Latina" and makes sure to make it a point every chance she gets.  In fact according to her,  her grandfather was from Mexico which is awesome that doesn't mean it rules out the fact that the statements made by her or her organization towards Charreria are in any way or form  NON-DISCRIMINATORY.

Support all types of rodeos by signing the petition below: